Enter a wonderland of delights……
Where every touch sensation you have ever imagined and even a few beyond your wildest dreams have a place to be felt.
Let some of the most sensual beings on the planet take you on a journey where your fingers do the talking, and you have an invitation to expand your capacity of pleasure in the largest organ of your body…..your skin!
We will include a wide array of touch options including:
the most intimate form of touch……breath
To feathers, furs, words, learning to touch for YOUR own pleasure and having the opportunity to practice asking for the exact touch that you are craving in any moment.
We will dive into sensations: hot/cold and what it’s like to be touched when a sense is taken away. We will then take you on an inner journey of a chakra clearing meditation, helping you to release stagnant energy back out into the universe. We will also do a light body activation meditation, that helps raise the vibration of your energy which will allow you to be more at one with the universe.
This event is all about sensations, we are going to take people on a journey of touch from breath to rose petals, feathers, earth, air, fire, water touch, to paired touch, a full three hours guiding the attendees through touch of self, touch of others, being touched by spirit…We will weave an exquisite tapestry of delight as we experience a myriad of physical sensations.
Embodied Sensations are an escape and adventure. Where body becomes a silent instrument as the inner beat takes one deeper.
Love Exchange: $35/$60 person/pair
Please prebuy your tickets as there will not be any available at the door
Please RSVP to save your spot https://