Naked Talk with Beyond the Bedroom – TantraDakini and 3 Days of SkyDancing Tantra
Tonight Dan and Elizabeth will be talking with Jane Breneman of Tantra Dakini and her upcoming event 3 Days of SkyDancing Tantra. Learn tonight if tantra is right for you and what it even is. Also, learn about the upcoming event and why you should attend.
Naked Talk is a live, open discussion where Dan and Elizabeth explore topics related to sexuality, intimacy and relationship. Where else can you have straight, honest conversations about subjects some may consider taboo?
Your attendance is completely anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself.
Please join us at 7pm Mountain Time from the safety of your home computer or mobile device. If you have questions relating to the topic covered in this Naked Talk, please forward them to us ahead of time for the best chance of having them answered on air.
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