Be a Beyond the Bedroom Presenter in 2013
Think you have what it takes to be a presenter at Beyond the Bedroom? Do you have knowledge in the areas of relationship and/or sexuality skills that you would like to impart to the masses? Do you like to teach people how to become better at connecting with people including their partner(s)? Do you know how to teach someone to be a better lover while creating a level of safety that you might invite your brother or sister to attend? If so, then we would like to talk with you!
Please read the requirements of being a presenter below and then if you can work within those boundaries fill out the presentation submission form. We do have multiple events over the course of the year so make sure you indicate which event you desire to present.
Presentation Guidelines
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- Workshops will be 60-90 minutes in length
- Attendees will walk out of your presentation with some valuable information that they can incorporate in their lives
- These presentations are not sales pitches. They should be designed to teach the attendees something of value (i.e. educational in nature without giving away all the secrets). They should be left with a desire to want more from you and to seek you out in the future or follow up with you during the conference.
- Audience participation is good, but don’t require attendees to participate.
- Deadline to submit potential presentations must be received 4-months prior to the event start date
- Denver deadline – June 18th, 2013
Subjects include:
- Relationships – the focus of these presentations will cover dealing with relationships between two (or more) partners (regardless of sexual identity). Types of presentations we are looking for include: Non-violent communications, how to ask for what you want, honesty, negotiations and setting agreements, reigniting the connection, breaking up gracefully, and more…
- Sex and Relationships – these presentations will need to cover topics that tie relationship and sexuality together. I know what you are saying, isn’t sex typically done in a some sort of relationship. The answer is yes, but we are looking at how to tie in relationship and sex that transcends the technique and focuses on the connection. Such topics might include: Keeping the bedroom exciting, Negotiating threesomes, Dealing with sexual guilt, Dance touch play, sex as a single, sex and aging, A sex coaches secret ways to please your partner, exploring sexual fantasy, strip dancing for your partner, and more…
- Sex – this topic begins to get into the more steamy side of sexuality and should cover the more active topics of sexuality. These presentations can include live demonstrations and NO nudity. Topics can include and are not limited to: tantra, stroking techniques, oral sex techniques, sex toys, Kundalini awakening, hot monogamy, how to talk about safer sex, better sounds of sex, and more…
- Alternative – now we get into the realm of the very spicy. This area will cover topics that most people have probably heard of, but may not know where to go to learn more or want to even learn that something like this is possible. These presentations should be introductory and not designed to scare people. They should be educational and leave people, who are interested, in wanting to learn more and possible resources of where they can go to get more information including books, practitioners, stores, etc. Topics can include: BDSM 101, Swinging, Polyamory, live sensual or erotic massage, female ejaculation, male multiple orgasm, anal play, exploring alternative lifestyles, eating for better sex, and more…
- Workshops – these follow the subjects identified above, but are more in depth. These can include hands-on activities (clothing required), breath work, kissing demonstrations, etc.
The sooner you submit the better are your chances to be selected to present. We may work with you to alter your presentation to fit better within the existing presentations and to the listening of our target audience.
This list is certainly not exhaustive and we will consider presentations as long as we feel they would appeal to a large percentage of our audience. Our focus is on, but not limited to, mainstream America that has a desire and need to learn information useful to their relationships now and in the future. While a large number of our participants are fairly new to this type of event many have attended prior Beyond the Bedroom events or other types of classes such as tantra and/or kink related.
Please ensure your presentations speaks to both beginners and experienced attendees.
Some more of our expectations from an article written more about the tech industry, but it applies here too:
Presenter Guidelines
What We Expect of Our Presenters
- We expect you to attend the entire event and make yourself available to attendees. Remember this is a networking opportunity and an opportunity for people to get to know you and potentially work with you somewhere down the road.
- With that said you will not aggressively promote yourself to attendees. There will be plenty of marketing information made available on the website, email blasts and the program. If they weren’t “wowed” during your presentation or by the materials you submitted then you need to do a better job with your marketing materials and/or presentation or they just aren’t interested at this time.
- You will not market your information other than in designated locations
- You will communicate your needs and desires
- You will submit all requested information in a timely manner
- You will submit an article to be used in our blog post on a topic similar to what you will be teaching
- You will be available for at minimum one video conference via Skype or in person interview which will be made available on the Beyond the Bedroom site.
- Beyond the Bedroom has a non-exclusive right to any information submitted to this site for publication and distribution in any manner deemed appropriate at the sole discretion of the Beyond the Bedroom staff.
- You will be representing yourself and Beyond the Bedroom as a result any poor behavior will not be tolerated.
- Attendance at the Masquerade party is not required, but is recommended.
- We do expect you to notify your email list about your participation at Beyond the Bedroom and invite them to attend.
- We do NOT expect you to provide us with your email list
What Our Presenters can Expect from Beyond the Bedroom
- You will receive a copy of the interview for your personal use and preferably on your website.
- We will make every effort to promote you and your work. We are working on new ways to do that all the time and as a presenter at Beyond the Bedroom you are treated as our partner. We know that if you are successful then we will be successful.
- We will not give your our email list, but we will send email updates containing your information to all of our attendees.
- We will make every attempt to provide you with the necessary standard equipment for your presentation possible.
- We will make every attempt to deliver non-standard equipment as possible or will inform you if that is unavailable.
- We will work with you to ensure your presentation is a success.
- We will provide satisfaction surveys at the end of your presentation.
- We will provide you with the results of your particular satisfaction survey and any specific general survey results that apply to you.
- We will inform you as soon as the selection process has been completed and if you have or have not been selected.
- Free admission for you to the event.
Begin the process…
To begin the process you must register on this site. Once registered you will be able to submit your presentation(s) proposal and presenter(s) information. By registering you will be able to modify all your content up to the time of printing the programs.
Do you need to edit your submissions? Login to the system to make whatever changes necessary up to the day we close everything for submission to the program.