
Our library of informative and educational articles covers
a range of angles on the subjects of intimacy, relationship, sexuality
and as well as on health and wellness as a factor for a quality relationship.


On connection, love, sharing, togetherness, deepening of the bond

The Three C’s of Meaningful Sex
Is there such a thing as Everlasting Love?


On communication skills, understanding yourself and your partner, quality time together, practices of a healthy relationship, respect, boundaries, space

How these simple tips answer the question “how do I save my marriage?”
Is there such a thing as Everlasting Love?
The Secret of Successful Relationships
The Three C’s of Meaningful Sex
How to Impress Your Boyfriend’s Fussy Family


On sex, sexual desire, orgasm, eroticism, sexual practices, sex techniques,
sex conversation

Human Sexuality; It’s Complicated
My Mothers Wisdom
Women, Food, Sex, Pleasure and Weight – Do You Know the Connections?