Masturbate Like a Grown Up Part Two

Masturbate Like a Grown Up Part Two

Posted on: 10-9-2012 by: dakadan  Yay, more about masturbation! As promised. And I had a thousand other things I wanted to say since the last post, but I’m keeping good notes. Stay tuned, because shit’s gonna get CRAZY soon. This is one bandwagon where you want a good...
The Synchronistic Primacy of Touch and Breath

The Synchronistic Primacy of Touch and Breath

Surviving vs Thriving Touching and breathing are of the most primal functions in the human body. The body simply cannot stay alive without these nourishing elements. Each of us intuitively knows that we cannot survive without breathing. {I dare you to see how long you...
Being Tantric in 21st-century America

Being Tantric in 21st-century America

We have been teaching Tantra together for nearly a decade and half and have written three books on the subject. Our teacher, Dr. Jonn Mumford, was traditionally trained and initiated and began studying in India in the 1950s, well before it became for fashionable...