If you missed our interview or simply want to see it again, you can purchase the entire conference to watch at your convenience here: Conscious Sexuality and Relationship Conference.
You’ll receive access not only to all the video and audio files, but transcripts for over 45+ interviews! This is truly a once in a life time offer with better value than you’ll find anywhere else. After May 18th, the price goes up to $147.
Here are some of the discussion topics you may have missed: cutting edge research on sex, biology and the brain; a deeper understanding of Tantra, the future of love and relationship, evolutionary psychology looks at sex and relationship, mindful loving, communicating desire, new visions in relationship, the unique psychology of men, sex and relationship; the unique psychology of women, sex and relationship; ancient wisdom teachings, orgasmic meditation, modern insights from clinical sex therapy, insights and strategies from fascinating couples, and so much more!
The truly diverse group of experts included: Elizabeth Wood, Dan Powers, Arielle Ford, Dr. Geoffrey Miller, Anyaa McAndrew, Tammy Nelson, Charles Muir, Henry Grayson, Nicole Daedone, Caroline Muir, Deborah Anapol, Dr. Jenni Skyler, Dr. Patti Britton, Dr. Jen Landa, and lots more. It’s an incredible community of teachers and wisdom-leaders. The goal is to create an exciting, honest, and powerful new conversation that allows us to discover our truest sexual and relationship potentials.The field of human sexuality and relationship is wildly diverse and often difficult to navigate. It’s time to discover an approach that dives deeper in an honest, engaging, and uplifting way. It’s time to discover our truest sexual and relationship potentials.
Purchase the conference online at Conscious Sexuality and Relationship Conference.
You won’t want to miss it a second time.